November 18, 2011

Fucking frustrated!

It was the perfect day. It didn't rain, which can be considered as a miracle for a rainy season like nowadays. We went for a movie, we had dinner, we went for a walk at i-city, and we had a ride, and that was when I popped the question. Which can be considered as the 3rd time. But this time was different. I really put a lot of effort this time. I planned it for quite a time. It weather was perfect, the time was perfect, everything was perfect. Or so I thot it was.
Was I expecting too much? Was I over confident? Was it a wrong time?
She said she wanted it, but she also wanted something else. Which was totally unacceptable. To me, it wasn't logical at all! What kind of reason was that? After I read the text she gave me this evening, I really2 thot that she was ready too. I was totally wrong.
From what I can conclude, from what she said, from her reasons, I can tell that she's not ready, and she wants to enjoy her life 1st. She wants it, I can tell, but not now. You shouldn't have asked the stupid question! "Would I be asking this question again in the future?" What kind of question is that?!?! I asked you with all my heart! And you expect me to do it again? That's something close to impossible. I really can't accept it. I'm really2 sorry. Maybe I'm gonna be the same, maybe I'm gonna be different. Only time will tell. Expect that u will get what u want, being single. All the best to you. I wish for your happiness. Amin.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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